Monday, February 22, 2010

Sara is going to Austria

Sara is 11 months old. She has had a feeding tube for a little over a month and she is being fed through this tube. She lost some weight at 9 months and we do not know why she would drink and less and less: maybe reflux, maybe aspiration, or maybe bad memories from the bottle? (she would reject the bottle but eat solids... at daycare they tried to put her on a schedule and was possibly force fed, previously at home she was fed by demand...) However, since she has had the tube she does not feel the need to eat and drink and will only take small amounts.

Sara needs to learn to eat like other children. Sara is going to Austria to a special clinic this April 2010. The doctors will reduce her tube feedings so that she will become hungry. The clinic also organizes activities so that she will be able to play with food. The idea is that she will be hungry and will decide when and what she wants to eat. This is a "leap of faith". She will be in control and hopefully will learn and enjoy to eat!

There is more information about this clinic at (University Children's Hospital Graz, Austria)

I will post more information as we get ready for our journey and while we are in Austria. Please pray for us and wish us luck!


  1. I am happy that you can take Sara to Austria. It's got to be very hopeful for you and your family!. I would like to see you tomorrow. I'll call you.
